Modern technologies

Processing thoughts into text

Is it possible to convert thoughts into text? What about scientists?
What is the thought-to-text process?
Surprising conclusions

Is it possible to convert thoughts into text? What about scientists?

An innovative way to process our thoughts into the written word, until recently, we certainly would not have dreamed of even in our wildest dreams. American scientists from the University of California in San Francisco have made a breakthrough in this matter. They proved that it is possible to couple a computer with the human brain. Thus, we can successfully process brain waves into the written word. A system developed by Californian scientists converts neural activity into text, with a margin of error of 3% or less. This is a good prognosis, considering that in the case of the original speech transcription, the error margin also oscillates around the above value. Processing thoughts into text is therefore possible.

What is the thought-to-text process?

In order for the discussed process to run properly and effectively, American scientists have developed a set of algorithms that work on the model of our brain. This model allows you to transmit neural signals with specific words. To prove the above theses, four people were involved in the study, who agreed to place special electrodes inside the skull. Their task is to monitor how active the brain is to electrical stimuli. The subjects read the proposed texts aloud while their neural activity was examined. The network then used this information to determine which neural activity might be related to speech. Here we have in mind, first of all, the way of articulating consonants and vowels. The researchers also observed the possibility of certain types of words occurring in a row and the way sentences are constructed.

Surprising conclusions

The longer the research described above lasted, the more researchers began to come to the conclusion that the neural network can fully process thoughts into speech, and with an extremely low error rate (about 3%). It is true that currently artificial intelligence is only able to handle single sentences in a text of up to 250 words, however, this level of error is quite impressive at the moment. Professionally, the transcription of human speech is approximately 5%. Transcription in this case means the method of recording the sounds of a given word using graphic signs. It will take some time for this technology to come into everyday use. Certainly, then there would be a breakthrough in a field such as, for example, forensic science. Anyway: the prognosis in this matter is very favorable!

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