How to design a garden?
How to design a garden? When to ask for help from professionals, and when to rely on yourself?
How to design a garden? Let’s get some factual knowledge
Garden design
Let’s keep our heads up!
Beauty and functionality in one!
How to design a garden? When to ask for help from professionals, and when to rely on yourself?
Odpowiedzmy sobie najpierw na pytania, które koniecznie trzeba zadać, zanim przejdziemy do konkretnych działań.Jak zaprojektować ogród? Poniższe pytania z pewnością będą pomocne w odpowiedzi na postawione pytanie i stanowić będą jakoby punkt wyjścia.
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How to design a garden? Let's get some factual knowledge
If you are planning to design a garden, it is worth considering whether you are able to do it yourself or it is better to use the help of professionals. This activity requires quite a lot of knowledge, which we can acquire on our own, using the literature on the subject. Garden designers also willingly share acquired information in social media, on websites or on YouTube channels. Nowadays, sharing this knowledge is also used for self-promotion, and there are a lot of marketing tools and they are being improved more and more. Using both traditional sources of knowledge (library, gardening magazines) and the more modern ones, everyone can learn about the gardening industry. Therefore, if we decide that the design of our garden is not difficult enough to require the involvement of a specialist, we can proceed to work on our own.
Garden design
When choosing plants for our garden, we must first of all familiarize ourselves with their soil requirements. Let’s also determine whether a given plant develops better in the sun or prefers shade. In addition, it is important that we provide them with the right amount of space to develop, depending on their individual preferences. So let’s not thinklessly plant too dense plants, with the thought,, not to be bald. It may turn out in some time that our plants will grow and start to fight each other! However, those that grow very slowly should be planted densely, because as a result of such planting, they will compete with each other. As a result, it will give us faster development. When they reach their maximum size, we will have to put in some work to remove some of the plants.
Another thing that we should remember when planning our garden is to stick to the principle of “stacking”. What is it in practice? The farther from the center of the managed space, the higher the plants should be planted. So: lawn, annuals, biennials, perennials, low and tall shrubs, and trees at the very end. In no case should we locate large plants in the heart of the garden. It will close the way for further designing and will make the garden feel cluttered.
Let's keep our heads up!
Let us remember that the plants we choose for our garden do not create antagonistic interactions with each other, because our work will be useless! Interspecific competition is a fairly common phenomenon in the world of flora. Let’s also observe the area where our garden is to be built. Let the plants that we plant fit into the current of the environment that surrounds our garden. This is not only about the aesthetic aspect, but also about health. So let’s not play with nature. What should you pay attention to when designing a garden? Factors such as: ground and surface water, type of soil, terrain and characteristic vegetation with bioindicators at the forefront, make up the general landscape that we should include when designing our garden.
When designing a garden, let’s take into account possible “stagnant” vegetation. Let’s respect it and don’t destroy it, especially when these are trees that have been growing for many years. We should also remember not to plant new trees too close to the architecture, given their strongly developing root system and lush crown. After all, we would not want to face the need to cut down a tree in the future for safety and preservation of architecture.
Beauty and functionality in one!
Let’s make sure that our garden is arranged in such a way that the care process is always comfortable and without unnecessary nerves. It’s about easy access to each flowerbed to remove weeds, the ability to move the mower freely on the lawn, or the ease of removing algae from the pond. If we have large deciduous trees in the garden, let the autumn ritual of raking leaves not be hindered by unnecessary elements of the landscape.
Following the above tips, designing a garden will certainly not be as risky as it might seem.