ConstructionConstruction industry

Do I need a permit to erect a fence?

Do I need a building permit for a fence? When do we deal with arbitrary construction?
What other work can we do without unnecessary formalities?
When do we need to report the construction of a fence?
Do I need a building permit for a fence? Entrance gate and formalities
Consequences of building an illegal fence

Do I need a building permit for a fence? When do we deal with arbitrary construction?

Fencing of the plot is not necessary, but each owner of a detached property usually uses it to indicate the boundaries of the land that belongs to him. Although it seems that the fencing issue can be given a rather symbolic and insignificant rank, in the light of the construction law it is an integral part of the building. Therefore, the fence of the facility has not only an aesthetic dimension, but also constitutes a physical image of the boundary of our plot. Do I need a building permit for a fence? Let’s get to know the regulations governing the functioning of this element of the investment.

The construction law is still changing a lot, so let’s stay up to date with every formality! In terms of fencing, a lot has changed for the benefit of the petitioner. As for the fence in standard situations, we do not currently need a permit for it. We have it written down in the Act of February 20, 2015. However, let’s be vigilant, because it is not so easy in the case of a fence above 2.2 m (counting from the ground). We must report the erection of such a fence. Otherwise, our actions will be treated as unauthorized construction and there may be a demolition order!

What other work can we do without unnecessary formalities?

In addition to the standard fence up to 2.2 m, we can repair fences between two neighboring plots without unnecessary formalities. Also, if this fence is located on the side of the road, parks and other public facilities, we do not need to report our actions to the office. This is a great convenience, because until recently, every repair of the fence had to be reported. Of course, the fence up to 2.2 m can be freely rebuilt without formalities.

When do we need to report the construction of a fence?

Pomimo wdrożonej nowelizacji prawa budowlanego w kwestii ogrodzenia działki, zdarzają się sytuacje, w których musimy mieć pozwolenie na powstanie ogrodzenia. Stosownych zezwoleń potrzebujemy na pewno w okolicznościach, które podajemy poniżej.

  • Na pewno w przypadku ogrodzenia powyżej 2,2 m.
  • W przypadku, kiedy nasz płot stanowi rozdzielenie dwóch działek ze sporą różnicą wysokości. Wówczas musimy wykonać mur oporowy, uwzględniając wszelkie warunki techniczne.  Istotny jest tu aspekt bezpieczeństwa, który jest raczej pojęciem subiektywnym. Podamy zatem przykład. Płot, który nie przekracza 1,80 m nie powinien mieć ostrego zakończenia. Jest to też prawnie zabronione! Prawo budowlane pozwala jedynie na ewentualne powstanie takich konstrukcji w przypadku ogrodzenia zakładów penitencjarnych.

Do I need a building permit for a fence? Entrance gate and formalities

Currently, the construction law provides for several requirements related to the installation of the entrance gate. First of all, it cannot open outside our plot, much less be outside the borders of our district. This is particularly the case with sliding gates. In addition, the minimum width of the gate should be 2.4 m, while the wicket should measure at least 0.9 m. These are the values ​​set for single-family houses.

Consequences of building an illegal fence

The construction supervision authority provides for certain facilities for people who have built a proper fence, i.e. in accordance with the standards for a given area. Then, after paying the appropriate legalization fee (today the amount is about PLN 2,500), our fence can be considered legal. However, we must bear in mind that any work we carry out without the required permit is treated as unauthorized construction. It is no different in the case of the fence that we have described in the paragraphs above. The construction supervision authority, in accordance with the provisions of Article 49b of the Construction Law, may order the demolition of any fences that have not been built in accordance with the described rules.

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