
Paraffin oil for spraying plants

Will paraffin oil for spraying trees and shrubs pass the exam in our gardens and orchards?
When and how to spray plants with paraffin oil?
Which plant species are best protected with paraffin oil?
Paraffin oil for spraying plants – in what form to use?

Will paraffin oil for spraying trees and shrubs pass the exam in our gardens and orchards?

You will admit that paraffin oil is on average associated with taking care of plants on allotments, gardens and orchards. Nothing more wrong! It turns out that paraffin oil can be used as a means of combating pests that, without the appropriate preparation, will certainly settle on trees and shrubs. The most popular harmful insects include: aphids, cup mites and spider mites. Let us remember that in order to obtain the intended effect and effectiveness of paraffin oil, we must carefully monitor the dates of spraying. Also consider the fact that beneficial insects need to be protected. Timely treatments will help save them. Paraffin oil is used to fight insects that live in cracks in the cracked bark. It is safe for the human respiratory tract, the environment and plants. Another advantage of paraffin oil is the affordable price and extremely easy application of the preparation in question and efficiency. Paraffin oil is usually used in the form of a spray, which allows you to effectively eliminate pests in the early stages of development. Paraffin oil for spraying trees and shrubs cuts off the larvae’s access to oxygen by closing the spiracles of the eggs. Based on this information, we notice how important it is to stick to the deadlines for paraffin sprays used.

When and how to spray plants with paraffin oil?

Like most spraying with plant protection products, paraffin oil should also be used in early spring. In this way, we will eliminate pest larvae, while saving beneficial insects. These usually shelter in winter indoors and under fallen leaves. When it comes to weather conditions adequate for spraying with paraffin oil, it does not differ in this respect from other sprays: fungicides or herbicides. So, let’s do this during the leafless season, on a dry and windless day. The air temperature should not exceed 8 degrees Celsius. Remember that paraffin oil eliminates the larvae of pests that overwinter in the nooks and crannies of the bark and under the leaves. So if we care about precise actions, let’s not forget about spraying the undersides of the branches, because there may also be pests in the early stages of development.

Which plant species are best protected with paraffin oil?

It is worth knowing that all deciduous and coniferous shrubs and trees can be sprayed with the preparation in question. The most common victims of pests are fruit trees and shrubs (apples, plums, pears), as well as spruces, larches, firs and pines. Typical ornamental species include: yew, spindle and hawthorn, well known to the older generation. Remember that paraffin oil protects against many pests, but not all! However, it will certainly cope with the classic aphid, thuja beetle and plum beetle or spider mite.

Paraffin oil for spraying plants - in what form to use?

There are many manufacturers of insecticides nowadays. It is no different with paraffin oil. Usually we have a choice of different concentrates from which we make a water emulsion. The active substance in the case of the agent in question is paraffin oil and its percentage is 60% in the concentrate. For this treatment, we can also use 100% paraffin oil, which we will certainly buy at the pharmacy. Then we prepare a solution in the proportion of 100 ml of oil to 6 liters of water, thoroughly mixing the ingredients. For those who are uncertain, manufacturers of plant protection products offer to buy ready-made preparations containing appropriate proportions.

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