

1. What are pesticides?
2. Breakdown of pesticides
3. What form do pesticides typically come in? What are the intentions of their supply?
4. Undesirable consequences of using pesticides in agricultural crops
5. How do pesticides get to plants? In which products can you find the most of them?
6. Organic production as a rescue in pesticide-free nutrition

What are pesticides?

Generally speaking, pesticides are synthetically obtained plant protection products (Latin pestis – pest and cedeo – destroy). These measures do not function in the natural environment. These are xenobiotics, so as the name suggests – foreign, but invasive agents at the same time. Chemically, pesticides are made up of one or more chemical compounds. They contain one or more chemical compounds and they are destructive to pests, but not only. Hence the controversy surrounding their application. This will be discussed in this article. auxiliary substances. They are any thinners or solvents. Both due to the active substances of these agents and the abovementioned auxiliaries, pesticides undoubtedly have a detrimental effect on living organisms. The intentions for using them, however, are good. After all, they are supposed to destroy organisms only those that are dangerous to humans.

Breakdown of pesticides

We can divide pesticides according to several criteria. First, let’s look at the chemical structure of pesticides. There are both organic and inorganic pesticides. Organic pesticides are, for example, organochlorine compounds, i.e. for example the DDT insecticide. Its decomposition time is at least thirty years. Inorganic pesticides include, for example, arsenic and fluoride insecticides. A well-known agent on the market that exemplifies the former is the green of Paris, while the latter – cryolite. Due to the use of pesticides, we distinguish fungicides (destroying fungi that attack cultivated plants) and zoocides, used in the elimination of pests. The most popular nomenclature, however, are herbicides that destroy weeds in agricultural crops.

What form do pesticides typically come in? What are the intentions of their supply?

Unfortunately, this single-tasking got out of hand and we now know that pesticides are carcinogenic, toxic and mutogenic for humans. Overall, however, pesticides do help. First of all, they extend the shelf life of food in the process of transport and storage. They also destroy pathogens and weeds that surround crops and increase agricultural yields.

Undesirable consequences of using pesticides in agricultural crops

The most common side effects of long-term pesticide use include:

- hormonal changes,
- respiratory system diseases,
- impairment of the central nervous system. 
On the other hand, the most common undesirable effects that appear directly during the use of pesticides are:
- food poisoning,
- weakness and dizziness,
- skin allergies.

How do pesticides get to plants? In which products can you find the most of them?

It is also known that these substances are particularly dangerous for pregnant and lactating women and for children up to 15 years of age. Along with the promotion of the consumption of large amounts of vegetables and fruits, many harmful pesticides reach the human body. Of course, food producers are obliged to comply with the so-called grace periods, therefore it saves the situation a bit.

Organic production as a rescue in pesticide-free nutritionesticide-free nutrition

It should always be borne in mind that any amount of pesticide supply with food is a threat to humans. However, more and more popular organic farming comes to our aid. Such crops are carried out without the use of pesticides. Vegetables and fruit from such crops are available in reputable stationary or online stores. The downside of such food is, of course, its high price, considering the fact that it is impossible to obtain a large amount of the product with the traditional form of production. Manufacturers, therefore, to achieve “their own”, must inflate these prices.

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