
Lawn fertilizers are a good investment

1. Well-fertilized soil guarantees a beautiful and healthy lawn
2. What should you consider when choosing fertilizers for your lawn?
3. Soil testing – a necessary step in choosing the right fertilizer
4. It is worth checking the chemical state of the soil
5. What is the procedure for taking a soil sample?

Well-fertilized soil guarantees a beautiful and healthy lawn

Healthy and beautiful grass is the dream of every garden owner. However, we are wondering how to keep the grass in our climate in good condition, in line with English lawns. It is not easy. It is not enough to choose the type of grass that is adequate for our lands. When thinking about setting up a lawn, we must invest in appropriate sprinklers, because over the years we notice a tendency to drought and heat waves. It is also important to strengthen the turf regularly by mowing. The most important thing, however, is to choose good soil for growing our lawn, because it is a condition for the survival of our crop in crisis situations. These plants also need appropriate minerals.

What should you consider when choosing fertilizers for your lawn?

There are many types of fertilizers on the market. There are also home remedies to enhance the beauty of our lawn. Both methods are good, but it is known that we will not prepare a full-fledged set of minerals using our home methods. The supply of a sufficient amount of nutrients means that weeds and pests will never dominate our lawn. What else is important? When choosing the most appropriate, in our opinion, fertilizers for the lawn, we must be guided by the type of soil at our disposal. When the substrate is weak and relatively poor in minerals (we usually recognize its condition on the basis of the consistency and the degree of vitality of the plants growing on it), we need to enrich it with appropriate ingredients. What elements can and should therefore contain a well-prepared fertilizer? A good fertilizer is the condensation of basic macro and microelements such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. They are marked on the packaging as the NPK symbol and the amount of each element is specified. Nitrogen supports the leaf color and nourishes it, while phosphorus strengthens the plant from the roots.

Soil testing - a necessary step in choosing the right fertilizer

To check the condition of the soil, it is worth taking it in your hand and squeezing it quite tightly. In this way, we will already be able to assess its structure. A firmly formed moist ball heralds a loamy soil. We will not be able to form a sandy soil. The best garden soil is one that, when squeezed, breaks down into large lumps. The above method is trivial but effective. We can already initially determine its fertility and the need for ingredients to make it a good ground for grass. A large fraction of organic matter in such a “centered” soil is a real gift. Semi-loose soil stores water well, while the humus contained in it increases its permeability. Moreover, we know from biology lessons that useful microorganisms, e.g. earthworms, function well in organic matter. It is known that we can fertilize a neglected or weak soil with prepared compost or manure. However, it is time-consuming and let’s face it – not everyone is a fan of this type of “mess”.

It is worth checking the chemical state of the soil

It is known that when it comes to the chemical condition of the soil in our garden, we must perform laboratory tests. To do this, we should submit a soil sample to the Regional Chemical and Agricultural Station. Performing such a test is also possible in private companies that already provide such services. So what data should be of interest to us, if we want to determine the type of grass that will work in the garden?
These are:

  • nitrogen content;
  • the amount of macronutrients (potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus);
  • micronutrient content (copper, zinc, manganese, iron, boron);
  • humus saturation;
  • the salinity and pH of the soil;
  • the amount of any heavy metals (e.g. nickel, lead, cadmium);
  • general granulometric features of our land;
  • recommendations for use for each type of technique

It is known that such studies are costly, but they are not exorbitant, given the long-term benefits that the procedure gives us. There is nothing worse than the use of fertilizers in the proverbial eye. In this way, you can only fertilize the soil with natural fertilizer, but it does not fully compensate for any shortages in a short time. Just like an anemic with a significant iron deficiency, he would give up immediate treatment with laboratory iron, because he would only consume iron of natural origin. Natural actions are the healthiest ones, but there are times when you need to act radically. On the basis of the results of laboratory tests, we are already able to recognize what, if any, our land needs to grow good grass.

What is the procedure for taking a soil sample?

To take a soil sample, it is worth using a soil stick or a regular spatula. In order to validate the results, it is best to collect soil from several places, except for the perimeter of the plot. For each sample, 15 to 20 samples from the topsoil should be obtained. Then mix everything and take about half a kilogram from the obtained soil mixture and place it in a clean bag. The package must be accompanied by the client’s personal data, as well as a message about the type of cultivation planned on our land. Based on this information, lab technicians will be able to help determine what our potential crops would be missing and which fertilizer is best to choose. So let us remember: if we want good grass in our garden, let us first examine the condition of our land. All this to determine what fertilizers we should possibly invest in, to supplement it with the missing minerals.

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